The Lion King Jr., hosted by Onekama's Cooperative Drama program with Kaleva and Bear Lake Schools, opens on Friday, March 15 at 7:00 PM! The show will be hosted here in Onekama, and tickets will be available at the door — $5 for students, and $10 for adults.
This production of The Lion King Jr. features numerous Onekama students, in both starring and supporting roles.
Freshman Aerika Roberts will play the roles of Mufasa and Simba;
Freshman Genna Short will play Sarabi, Simba's mother, and feature later in the show in a supporting role;
4th grader Winter Fessenden will play the role of Zazu;
Freshman Faith Fessenden will play the role of Scar (and an additional supporting role);
Freshman Alexias Buckner will play the role of Sarafina, Nala's mother, as well as feature in multiple supporting roles later in the show;
And 5th grader Audrey Ralph will feature in multiple supporting roles!
The full cast listing is available below. We hope to see you there!